The birds are thriving. We've sold some, eaten some (sorry boys) and swapped some. The flock currently numbers 21 Coturnix quail and 4 King quail. Ideally we'll get rid of more by the time the spring laying season arrives, as this is still too many. We just can't decide who to get rid of! This handsome fella (or lass) is Mini-Boc, looking very plump and gorgeous in the winter afternoon.
The trees are bare, and there's not as much cover as the birds prefer, so we have left corners of the garden wild and overgrown, and they spend much of their time wandering through the long grass. Alternatively they cluster around the gate waiting for us to come and feed them (they are definitely spoilt and lazy).This is Melon, hiding in the grass. The rests of the garden is much less overgrown - so this is naturally the birds' favourite hangout.
The birds love millet seeds and dried sunflower heads, but only in winter. In summer or autumn they won't touch them!