Friday, 13 May 2016

Blowin' in the wind

It's a bit strange seeing quails being blown across the ground like a flurry of autumn leaves, but that's what our poor birds have been subjected to these past few days! We've had wind gusts well over 110km/hr (70 knots for any sailors reading this) for the past two days, as well as heavy rainfalls and even snow on the mountain. The quails have coped with it all in style, despite being literally blown over as they come for their morning seed-feeding. We're not sure exactly where they hide at night (under the cabbage leaves? In the rhubarb?) but they are always there in the morning, looking remarkably dry. We have nest boxes set up under some of the trees, which they are happy to shelter in during the day, but they never seem to use them at night, and they certainly never lay eggs in them, much preferring to hide their eggs in random patches of grass or under the grape vines...
The net is looking slightly stretched and saggy, and will need checking tomorrow when the weather is calmer, but nothing has actually collapsed. Thank goodness! Winter is coming...

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