Saturday, 3 September 2016

Spring cleaning

The quails never bathe in water - they keep clean by dust-bathing. In winter, when the ground is wet and muddy, they can start to look a bit scruffy...but as things warm up they search out areas of dry ground and settle in for a session of intensive cleaning.

They have a favourite spot in the top south-east corner of the net where very little grows, and their regular routine is to head up there in groups of two or three, taking it in turns to nestle down into a sandy spot, loosen up the dirt with their beaks, and shuffle and flap until they are covered in dust. If they are particularly relaxed and the sun is especially warm, they will stretch out on their sides and fully extend each wing in turn, with their feet pointed like avian ballerinas.

Once they have had enough time in the dirt they move under the nearest clump of grass to preen and sleek their feathers, while the next group come in for their bathe. Sometimes two birds will try and use the same bathing hollow at once, lying across each other and jostling for the best position.

It's hard to get photos of them in action, but we tried...!

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