Saturday, 11 February 2017


Our single solitary King quail male continues hale and hearty - and gorgeous!

If only we could find him a mate...

"I am the Lord of all I survey..."
If anyone in Tassie has any spare female King quails - we can offer a very good home to them! Send us a message through this blog...please!


  1. Tas Quails web site (My log on to the blog is not satisfactorily set up atm)
    Message for Tassie Meffres

    After a long time I have just found some female King Quail. They are beautiful naturally hatched and nice placid little souls.

    I can pass on details if you still are looking for some yourself.

  2. Thank you so much for this - but even though we have stopped posting for a while, we have actually found three beautiful little girls, who have settled in nicely. We are hoping they will breed in the spring...they are such gorgeous birds!

    1. My two little girls laid 5 and 4 eggs each and have settled down to hatch them. It seems a bit early in the year.
      Helen Tait
